Thursday 26 February 2015

Spend Five Minutes Each Morning Organising Your Day

If you can carve out five minutes every morning to organize your day, you’ll save yourself many, many more minutes.  I know you’re busy.  We’re all busy.  But we’re only talking about five minutes.  300 seconds.

I’m not talking about anything elaborate, just sitting down and thinking about what you want to accomplish that day and how you’re going to do it. You’ll find that just the act of sitting and thinking for a few minutes every day will make you more organised, disciplined and productive during the rest of the day.

Here’s why it’s important.  Very few people start each day with an organised plan  They have a general idea of what they need to do usually built around the appointments they’ve set up or their “to do” list, but they don’t have a firm structure.

So what happens?  They start with all sorts of energy and enthusiasm to get things done and then something unexpectedly comes up that dominates their day, a problem with a deal, an angry call from a client or an email with a request.  Whatever it is, it wasn’t even on the schedule but it ends up becoming the main focus of the da, and they never actually get to any of the items on their supposed “to do” list.

Now, sometimes emergencies come up and will throw even the most disciplined person off their game.  But here’s the key. Someone who actually has a schedule set up is MUCH more likely to get able to get back on schedule after a disruptive event than someone without a plan. If you start the day with only a general idea of what you want to accomplish, it’s a lot easier to end up getting distracted and disrupted.

So plan your day.  You don’t need to spend half an hour doing it.  You don’t need to hyper-organise your day into 15-minute increments.  Just spend five minutes gathering yourself, setting your goals, structuring your appointments, organizing your thoughts and committing yourself to what you want to accomplish.

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